I believe that the process of getting her dressed and into the carseat took at least 45 minutes!! I was sweating by the end, need I say more?

Alright, lets get this whole diaper thing overwith, I got stuff to do!

Chillin' with Daddy after a new record of 60cc's! She is going for the gold!

She will be a thumb sucker I am sure. She has found her fingers and loves to shove them in her mouth. Sometimes she has fingers from both hands shoved in there.

She likes to lay in her swing but she is not so sure of it while it is actually swinging! Baby steps I guess!
Thanks for checking in!! Amelia is doing great and woke up every 3 hours last night so I was happy! She is not a screamer so we listen for her grunts and know it is time to feed! Hopefully it stays that way! Sorry so short but I am trying to get organized and my first round of helpers left!! I will try to post more tomorrow!
Love - Kori
I know I keep saying this but she is so stinkin cute....I can not wait to see her...love you! See you in a few days!
Kendall :)
oh for a sweet heart!!!
she look like shes doing great!!
very precious!!
I cannot wait to get up there and hold her! She is so sweet! I love her little blankets - very stylin', Kori. And you look awesome, Kori! Love you all and give Amelia a kiss for me! I'm still planning on coming up next weekend probably on Saturday.
Aunt Karen
She is such a precious little dolly!!! I'm so glad she is healthy and that you were able to take her home!!!
I can't wait to see more pictures! :)
come on....i've checked the blog numerous times today and still no new pictures.....her fans are waiting hope to come up the weekend of the 13th. let me know if that would be okay.
love you,
aunt gail
She looks a little too relaxed in that one picture!! Crack me up! Post new pictures for us! Really, what else do you have to do right now?!! :)
I'm with all the pictures fiends!! more more more! :)
Although I had been off the computer for a few days so didn't know she had her own blog yet! What a treat to find that this morning!
She is so beautiful. What a precious gift from God!
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