Today was Amelia's two week appointment and we were shocked when we found out how much she had gained in the past week. Last Thursday she weighed in at 5 lbs. 12.8 oz. and this week she weighed in at 6 lbs. 12.8 oz. She gained a whole pound in 7 days. We are sure that she will not stay little forever. She loves to eat! We are very happy that she is gaining rather than losing! Everything else is going good with no complaints! At least none we would admit to! The following are pictures after her appointment. She was a little grumpy for some of the photos but I got some smiles toward the end. She tuckered out toward the end! Thanks for checking in!
Love - Kori & Ben
Big yawns, the whole doctor thing is tiring!
Her head is still on my leg, it is not hanging. She was starting to get grumpy here. Almost ready to cry.
A little repositioning and we are happy again!
Okay these pictures are kinda scary cause they are so close but she was making smile after smile and then trying to shove her finger into her mouth!
I'm so glad to hear she is gaining weight! :) She's definitely part of the family there! I just had to say that the close up picture of her grinning made me laugh out loud - too cute!
We could tell that she's putting on
the pounds in the pictures on the blog this past week but a pound a week is really unreal!! Just you wait,little girl,it will come back
to haunt you in another quarter
century!!!Just kidding,Mom and Dad.
Am really pleased that she is doing so well...keep up the good work and I love her smiles!!!Love,
Grandma Budke
That's so crazy that she gained a pound after I had told you yesterday morning that she looked like she'd gained a pound in the pictures on the blog!! WOW!! She's super-Amelia!
I did the same thing as Brittany! I started laughing out loud at the close-up of her smiling! She'so darn cute!! I miss her! Thanks-Christmas can't come soon enough!
Love ya!
She is going to HATE the close-up of her smiling when she grows up! HEHEHE! Too funny! Can't wait to see you guys!
The picture of her with her finger in her mouth makes the little porker look like she's picking food out of her teeth! :)
Thanks for the pictures Kori! Everybody here at work really enjoys them! They all are amazed at how filled out she is for a premie! Is she starting to sleep with her eyes open now like her mom and cool aunt?? Haha... Love you!
Kendall :)
I think that close-up of her grinning should be on the front of a greeting card! I laughed and laughed when I saw that. (Not at her -- with her!!!) It will be interesting to see what she weighs on her actual due date -- see if she weighs what one nurse predicted, almost 9 lbs.!! Can't wait to see you guys again!
I love the smiling pictures! She is so cute and I miss her so much - I still hope you are coming down next weekend because I need a baby fix! Love her clothes, too. She is always stylin'.
Oh my gosh!! That close up is too funny :) I can't wait to meet the new little porker!! YEA!!! And I agree with Karen, she is always stylin. Love and miss you guys!!
I had to come to your blog and look at those pictures again. And, again, I laughed so hard at the smiling pictures that I snorted! They are so funny!!! I miss her so much!!
Love you guys!!
So I decided to come see what other people had to say about these photos and realized that my comment sounded AWFUL! I totally didn't mean for it to come across as saying that our family is a bunch of porkers!!! I just meant we all like food so much that she fits right in :) Sorry if I offended anyone!
Heavens, Brittany, don't worry about that!!! It takes more than that comment to offend anyone in our family!! I'm sure no one was offended, just in agreement with you! Any anyway, one of the best things about our family is our ability to laugh at ourselves!! (Just ask your FA mother!) And like you said after the latest post, it is amazing how big Amelia looks in the close-ups; but I was up there yesterday just to make sure that she is still little -- and she is!! You don't realize it until you see her being held by someone.
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