Thursday, May 20, 2010

Popsicles and Shoes, Again!

Since we have been spending a lot of time on the deck lately, I decided to get Amelia some Popsicles. She was slightly unsure of them at first but now she knows where they are and runs to the freezer wanting one.
Amelia also loves to give us bites now. She is very good at sharing, on her own terms of course!!

" Umm, Mom, this is cold."

"SOUR, very Sour!"

"Wanna bite, Mom?" Which translates to, get the ice out of the way so the juice can come through.

"Lovin' this!"

"It's cold and it is going down my diaper!"

Brain Freeze.

I entitle these next pictures as:
What Amelia does with my shoes.

Need your shoes taken for a ride?
Call Amelia Shoe Services...
They may not get their together but I always carry a full load!

No reimbursements for unpaired shoes.

Not only does she love my shoes but she loves the lotion and baby powder.
She actually pushes them around in the baby stroller instead of her baby.

The focus is horrible on this but maybe you will still enjoy it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

She is Definately a Weirdo!!

So, the other day I thought we would give potty training a try. I don't know why I thought that we should attempt to do it considering my daughter does not understand what I am talking about. She has no idea what potty is and has no desire to try and take her own pants off. Nor does it bother her to have a full and dirty diaper. But, none the less, I thought we would try and she would just go in it.
I put some training underwear on her, with the plastic panties over them(thank you Karen). I then showed her them M&M's and showed her that if you sat on potty you would get one. So she sat there, very nicely and ate some.
I put her on there every 20 minutes and 4 hours later she had not peed.
After 2 drinks she should have had to go.
As soon as I put her diaper on, she went.
So now thoughts of urinary tract infections are filling my head so I am going to wait until she can somewhat talk/understand me.
So for now she will just use the potty as she wants......
as a hat.
I mean, no wonder she didn't want to potty in it.
Who wants to potty in their hat?!?!?!

Does it look less mullety with a pony on top?

Yes, she did this herself.
She loves getting shoes out.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

What's a Bathtub?

Since Grandma and Grandpa Rundle have been here, Daddy has been able to work on the bathroom. Now, the tub is in full function, well, kinda!! Amelia can at least take a bath. No more sink!!
Amelia loves taking a bath and I so glad that it ready for her to use.

I could never lay down in the sink!!

Drinking water!

Look at me! Look at me!

Grandma Rundle introduced her to cereal!
She loves it!


Playing trains!

New SandTurtle!

Dig. Dig.Dig, Diggity Dig!