Yesterday, Amelia, had her 4 month check up! I was really nervous because she has gotten a cold and was worried that it might look bad that I had not brought her in sooner. The appointment went great and we found out she weighs 15 lbs. 6 oz.! Yes, she is quite the chunk and is in the 8oth percentile for her age! She has come very far from her first weight of 5 lbs. 12 oz.! It is hard to believe that she was 6 weeks early! Ben and I love our chunky monkey and are glad she is doing so great! She has started cereal and loves it! Today, she got so mad that I had put her on her tummy that she ended up working herself halfway around the blanket! Hopefully that will turn into rolling over! She also loves her movies! She loves Baby Einstien and now enjoys Veggie Tales also! What can I say? She must take after me!
Love -Kori, Ben & Amelia