Since returning from our trip to Illinois, Amelia has been quite fussy and demanding!!
For some reason she does not want to nap during the day and puts up a huge fight! This would be fine if it did not involve crying at the top of her lungs. So here are a few snapshots of happy moments and one right before the screaming process!
Ben, Kori & Amelia
This is fuzzy because we were swinging! She was trying to see what was above her!

Play time!

Yes, Mom, I see the blocks and hear the music!

Look, she does have a neck!!

This is her position in the swing while I am posting. I thought about straightening her head but the risk of her waking up is too great! She has not slept a solid hour since 10:00 this morning.

Still moving the hands in her sleep!

Okay, I am done. Hold me.

How long do I have to sit here and pretend to like these hanging toys?

I will throw her a smile so she thinks I like this!

Maybe even a little tongue, they always get a kick out of that.
i'm sure the reason she has been fussy since getting home is because she is missing all her aunties from illinois!!
Love the pictures!
Auntie gail
No, she is really missing her grandma!! We'll take care of that this weekend, though!
Emma and I loved how the pictures of her asleep made her look like she really had some hair!!!
OK, that first picture's angle is NOT flattering at all! She looks like a buddah baby in that picture!
I can't wait to see her this weekend though!
Yeah, she looks like a little chunky monkey! And we thought little Anna was chunky! I can not wait to see her in only a few more weeks! YAY!!!!
Love ya!
I think she looks so much like Ben in the "Okay, I am so done with this" picture! That looks like a face he would make!
I'm counting down the days! Cannot wait for you to get here and wrap presents and drink wine while I hold Amelia and Ben takes Jacob sledding!!! We're such planners!
can you please e-mail me your address Kori or Ben. :)
Hoping to get in a visit and meet miss Amelia when you guys are up but just in case better send me the addy! :)
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