Hello and Merry Christmas!!
Here are a few pictures from Christmas weekend.
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!
Love -
Ben, Kori, Amelia, & Caroline

Amelia meeting Caroline for the first time.
She was excited!

We built a cave for Amelia to sleep in at the hotel, she loved it and we even had to add a gate, a busch, and rocks for her!

The pillow is her gate and the ottoman is the busch.

Peek a boo, I see you!

Amelia found a nice relaxing place to rest.

Christmas morning! Right as she woke up!


Caroline is doing great, she has been a lot better at eating all of her feedings. Unless there is a major set back she will definately go home this week!! We are just hoping it is sooner rather than later this week! She is so cuddly and warm!

Snoozing on Daddy's lap.

She is so little!
They put the cutest striped pajamas on her with reindeer footies!!
She was all decked out for Christmas!
Thank you again for the pictures and update! Amelia looks so excited for Christmas! I am so glad you were all able to be together on Christmas!
Caroline looks so different it seems! Maybe it's because she doesn't have as many tubes smothering her anymore!
Love you all!
Isn't it great how a child can turn an obstical into an adventure ! She will definately file this one in her mamory book.
Homecoming outa be a doozy.
grandma rundle
So glad to see and hear the steps she's been taking to be able to come home. How exciting for all of you! I talked with Grandpa Cooper yesterday and he said he was going to get Amelia and bring her back to stay with the James clan. How fun for her too!
You look amazing! Can't wait to hold and see Caroline. Amelia is having a good time here - hardly even know she is here!
Thanks for the pictures and updates Kori and Ben! Like Kim said, I'm glad you all got to spend some time together on Christmas! It will be a great story for Amelia and Caroline to talk about when they get older!
Love you guys and can't wait to see you! The countdown to the baptism begins!! :)
Congratulations on your VERY Merry Christmas.I realize it wasn't the ideal but the two sisters did get to meet though,I doubt Caroline will remember!Of course Amelia will!!Caroline looks much better and while small,she will grow and it won't be long before you will
have to look at your pictures to
help you remember just how tiny she
was!!!Bless you all!!!
Congratulations on your VERY Merry Christmas.I realize it wasn't the ideal but the two sisters did get to meet though,I doubt Caroline will remember!Of course Amelia will!!Caroline looks much better and while small,she will grow and it won't be long before you will
have to look at your pictures to
help you remember just how tiny she
was!!!Bless you all!!!
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