Monday, December 19, 2011

12-19 morning visit

When wen went down to she Caroline this morning they told us she was doing good. Blood gas came back good and they have her oxygen down to 21% so she is breathing ambient air now and her saturation levels are at about 100 so she is doing better than some of us in that regard. When the doctor comes and does rounds they are going to decide on when today they are going take the tube out and how much and when they are going to turn down the respirator. Currently the respirator is set at thirty breaths per minute they will probably take it down to 25 after she has had a chance to calm down and recover from the vent tube removal.

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Location:Evanston hospital ISCU

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats good news!!! We have been thinking alot about her. Aunt Stacy