Yesterday we were able to go into the family room with Caroline because she is in a regular crib now.

Amelia checking out her new little sister.

More open eyes

No much nicer than inside the ISCU room.

Amelia says " I just want to tickle her mom".
Doctor says we may be able to go home on wedensday or Thursday if she keeps making progress. We'll see the past couple of times she has taken about 75% of her milk then got the rest through the nose tube, so she has got to stop that.
Thank you, thank you so much for the pictures! She looks so much more content now! Kori, you look great! Amelia, I want tickle her, too!
Love you!
It will be interesting to see what Amelias take is on her role in all this. She will probly think this is her new baby sister thatshe got for christmas andbe pretty hands on with her.Oughta be cute.
Grandma Rundle
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