Here are a few pictures of Amelia in all of her 1 year old glory!
The week of her birthday she was fighting a cold, had 2 teeth coming through, and had her 4 shots at her doctors appointment. Needless to say she was not too happy. But she is slowly coming out of it and is a lot less whiny this week. We are working on getting rid of the bottle and eating only big people food. Both are going but not so well! She is getting used to walking in shoes and we are really working on sharing! She throws major tantrums when you take certain things from her, such as the lunch pail she takes to the neighbors(she carries it home and goes bonkers when I take it from her to empty it)! So, now that she is toddler it is time to learn some new manners! Wish us luck!
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Love - Us
She also loves real keys. How do they know?
Keys in one hand, bottle in the other.
Well..with you two as her parents, Millie is bound to have some mad dancing skills! Her pictures are so cute..can't wait to see her again in a couple of days!
Also, I think I'm going to like your new living room arrangment!
Love ya!
We should have taken a picture of her eating corn on the cob!!!
So cute!!!! Love the pajamas and the dancing! She's so funny!
Scott and I did the "eat this or you won't eat anything" I don't know how many times! Finally, now that Jacob is 2 1/2 we stuck with it, and it has seemed to work a bit. I think it works unless you're a softy like we were and kept giving in! Good luck with it!
Can't wait to see you all tomorrow! Have a safe trip!
Thanks for posting!
sounds just like Ben- eat this or you get nothing. Ya right. She will let you know what she likes and doesn't like in due time. There are so many things she has yet to taste. OK it is Tue the
8th. Her party was on the 5th. Since I couldn't be there could you please hurry up with the pictures. I will be impatiently waiting to see them.
Love to all-Grandma Rundle
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