I guess she had a long day!

I can not get over how grown up she looks in jeans, tennis shoes, and a shirt!

Brand new toothbrush!
First experience with brushing the teeth!

She did very well!

So excited over her new toothbrush and toothpaste!
Just some fun videos of crazy things Daddy does with Amelia!
I love her laugh! She is becoming such a big girl.
ha !ha! she cracks me up!
love the pictures, what a honey just like mommy!
Watch out Millie...the last time your Dad flipped me over he dropped me on my head!! :)
I can't believe how much older she looks with jeans on...it looks like she's ready to go to school!! What a cutie and can't wait to see you all in a couple months! Love ya!
I agree, she looks to grown up in the jeans and shirt. I see hair now. Just waiting for it to grow.
Which is all happening to fast.
Grandpa says we can't wait to see you guys.
Later gater-Grandma Rundle
She has grown up so much! I can't wait to see her next! Love you all!
I agree with everybody else! She looks way too grown up in the jeans!! I love her laugh...it's so close to her cry that I can't tell which is which!!
Thanks for posting!
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