This is a video of her dancing skills! She loves her new Jonah movie and dances to the songs! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Rankin!
A video showing how she plays during the day. She will also bring stuff to Ben or me and then when she has a pile going she will come back to get them, one by one!
She will stack things on chairs, in her high chair, on the tables, and in any bucket or container she can find! As I am typing this she brought me my Nike sneakers.
Hope you enjoyed!
Love - Kori, Ben, and Amelia
First of all, I love her cute pink pjs! And her dancing is hilarious - I could watch her do that all day and I don't think it would get old. She is going to be one very organized little girl with the way she has to put things in containers all the time! Too funny.
We are glad she likes the Joah video. Maybe Leah likes her food soaked? Grandma and Grandpa Rankin
I laughed SO hard! I don't know which was funnier....her dancing or her 'organizing'!!!
I love the dancing. I love to dance too and get teased for it. Probly cause no matter what I'm doing a song will come on and I will start dancing. Give's hubby a good laugh. I don't know if Ben remembers Sara the little girl in Simi Valley. She put a bar of soap in the goldfish bowl cause she was giving them a bath. They were the cleanest fish in heaven. So from now on your going to be unable to find things cause she will put them anywhere. Have fun, can't wait to see you all.
Love-Grandma Rundle
Laughed so hard!!! What a funny little girl!! Her dancing is hilarious and she definitely watches her mom putting things away in tubs!!! She knows what she's supposed to do, for sure!
I love this stage of development! It's like you can see that the wheels are just turning and turning trying to figure everything out!!
We love the videos and miss you all!!
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