Kelly and Colby came to visit last month and I think that everyone enjoyed the visit. Amelia and Colby got along, although I think Amelia got a little territorial when it came to her toys. It was funny because they really ignored each other until one of them picked up a new toy. Then they got interested. Thanks for coming to visit!
Love - Ben, Kori, and Amelia
Colby started out not liking Ben until he danced with her! Then she loved him! Typical female!

Do NOT touch my blanket!!

You make me so mad I am going to bite my blanket if you don't stop touching it!

Well, maybe it is sorta fun to play tug-o-war with each other.

See, Amelia, it is fun to play with me! I am a fun girl!

Alright, Colby, I suppose that I can play with you now that I know you will not destroy my blanket.

But, I will hold onto it, just in case. Don't take it personally.

No hard feelings, I am so excited about your other toys that I could really care less about your grody blanket.

See, I don't care!

Rock on, I will just take over this toy.
The End.
Oh My Gosh!!! They are so darn adorable together!!!
Aunt Gail
I forgot all about the blanket war already!!!
Colby had so much fun at Amelia's house she didn't eat or sleep all day (or night!)long! There was too much to play with and see!
I have a few pictures to post as well from the visit! :)
Hilarious! They are so funny. I can't wait to see them both! Great commentating, Kori.
That had to been fun just to watch. They are so cute. Glad it turned out to be a fun day for all.
Great pictures.
Grandma N Grandpa Rankin
That was probably quite a shock for Amelia, having to share! Colby is probably more used to it, having to share things with Henry at the babysitters. And really, Amelia probably could do without her blanket if you had just given her the tag on it!!!! They are both so cute and I love the picture of Ben holding the two of them!
Crack me up!!! This was hilarious! You can see the fury in Amelia's stance in that first picture with the blanket!!! Oh my!! It's good to know that my child isn't the only one who's become territorial.
Thanks for posting!
haha...I can see troubles with those two already. Well okay, I see Amelia being bossy and Colby just sitting there taking it! What cuties! And I can't believe how big Colby has gotten!
PS Ben, you look good with another baby..I'm just saying :)
That had to have been a hilarious blanket war! However the comments absoultely MADE the post :) You are so funny!!
I have to say that I have read this one multiple times & just giggle & giggle each time! I agree that your captions made the pictures perfect! Too cute & too funny!
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