We all knew that Amelia was showing the signs of teething. This past Sunday Ben and I felt the tiniest bump on her lower gum. We were so excited that there was a sign of a tooth coming through! Come Monday morning we were not so excited anymore. It seems that with us finding the tooth, Amelia stopped holding back all of the horrible symptoms that can come with teething. That morning she woke up and felt incredibly hot. I was shocked. I peeled her pajamas off and she was hot all the way down to her toes! The past three days have been horrible. She has had a slight fever, been cranky, wants to be held all the time, cried when you leave the room, gags on saliva, coughs from the extra saliva, gets up 3-4 times a night from coughing and has vomited 6 times so far due to gagging! I am ready to ship her to any willing relative! It did not help that I had 2 tests today and had a child who did not want to do anything but be held! The past 3 nights I have not gotten to bed until 12:00 A.M. and Ben has been working 4-12. So, now that I am done complaining I will let you enjoy the pictures of my miserable little girl!

Hey, Over here. I am a willing relative. Just ship her to me and I give her back. Someday. Maybe. Probly when she hits her teens.Can't wait to see all of you.
Love Grandma Rundle
oh poor baby!! Matthew is almost done! bath with epsom salt! works wounders!! my kids always get horriable rashes!
still full of drool shes a cutie!
soon it will be all over!
Oh i feel SOO bad for her!! I think deep down she just is so sad that she hasn't seen her MN aunties in SO long..I am sure that is it...but she is still SO cute even if she is pathetic!
Loves ya!
I really like what you've done with your blog background. Poor little Amelia! Let's hope there is more than one tooth with this much misery. Take care. This may last awhile.
Awww poor Amelia! I imagine it is hard when she can't actually tell you she's hurting. I hope it doesn't last too long!!
And I LOVE the new blog background - super cute!!!
Hey does it have to be a relative? I'll take her! Does she want to live in Fargo for a while?
I'm pretty sure the Minnesota Aunties and Minnesota Honorary Aunties have pleaded the most to take Amelia off of your hands for a while! So, ship her on up. Or I'll just kidnap her when I come down next month! I wish I could sit and hold her!! They are so miserable through the teething!
Wish I were closer to help out! I'll take care of her in a month!
Also, I too like your new blog look!! Very classy!! I'll have to look into doing that with Jacob's!
LOVE the new blog background, and I feel SO bad for little Amelia! I'm not looking forward to this at all! But, I do have to admit that the slobbery shirts crack me up! When we were sorting through those hand-me-downs and you kept telling me to keep some of the clothes for playclothes, I didn't realize what you meant! Now I do!!!
After talking to you the other day, I'm hoping that Tylenol and Ora-Gel (?) have helped her a little, and you, too!! We'll all take our turns holding her this weekend to give you a break and like I told you, with the older girls and Colby around to distract her, maybe she won't feel the pain so much!! She's still so stinkin' cute, though, even with sweet potatoes on her forehead, nose and mouth! (I think I'd invest in some more bibs if I were you to help with the drool!!!)
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