I love this picture!

Sleeping so soundly!

Naked Baby!
Yes, she has rolls!

Everything goes into the mouth latley!

Too tired to wake up while being burped!

Amelia got her Big Girl carseat the other day. Let me just say that it was a lot bigger than I thought! She loves it though and I love how easy it is to adjust the straps! Do not worry it is rear and forward facing! We are not breaking any laws!

She looks tiny again!

She loves the top Grandma Rundle got her and she screams at it when it stops spinning. Notice how she twists to try and get closer to it!
She's getting so big! I remember putting Jacob in his big seat for the first time and his legs stuck straight out, and now he's so big that they dangle and kick my seat in front of him! It goes so fast!
She's such a pretty baby and I love the naked baby picture!!
She doesn't look overly happy in her new car seat! I can't believe she'll be six months old this month!! I love the burping picture -- at least she didn't fight you going to sleep like she normally does!
I love the picture where she's twisting to watch the toy in her Bumbo seat! While I don't want colby to be that big yet, I am looking forward to the day where she's more reactive and responsive to things like that! Too fun!!!
The sleeping-while-burping photo is absolutely priceless. That girl cracks me up!
I can't believe she's in a big girls carseat already! She's growing up way too fast and I don't like it!
Love ya!
PS I love the picture of her too tired to wake up to burp..how funny!
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