This past Friday Colby and Aunt Kelly made the trek to Indiana for a visit! I was really excited to see how much Colby had changed in the last month and eager to see how Amelia reacted to her! It ended up being a fun night of shopping even though it is hard to plan things around two different feeding schedules! I am also proud to say that Colby slept for 6 straight hours at my house! Maybe she takes to my house like Jacob took to Kelly's? Here are some pictures.
Colby, I have to apologize for the first picture. It is not the best shot of you but it makes me laugh!
Love - Kori
Colby got a new lime green head support for her car seat. She does not look to sure about it.

I know Amelia is kinda chopped off but Kelly's look is so great! She was trying really hard to get rid of Amelia's stranger danger!

I really do not know if they like each other! This photo shoot only lasted for 1 picture before Amelia joined in with Colby's cries! Notice the bottom lip starting to pucker out!

Showing off her tongue! She really is a mini Nick!

Kelly got her to smile for me. She has changed so much!

I love this picture! It shows how much her face has filled out. Look at those cheeks!

Cuddly with Mom!

Amelia is checking her out! Don't be fooled by the sitting position, she fell about 6 times before I got the picture. Kelly tried to catch her the first time but being the loving mom I am told her that I always let her fall!

This was right before Kelly got to my house. Amelia grabbed the spoon with sweet potatoes and she ended up getting a bath!
I love your pictures, Kori! It was so fun seeing all three of you guys! I loved how when Colby cried Amelia would look at her and then start crying too! Thanks for being patient with her fussiness and getting her to sleep for me! She hasn't slept that well since we got home!
Love you!
I love the photos of Colby cuddling with Kelly - so sweet! And it cracks me up imagining Amelia trying to figure her out. Sounds like an adventurous day!
The little girls (I'm probably going to have to quit calling them that, since they are now the bigger girls!!) were here yesterday and wanted to post something but I was too sick to stay with them to help them out. Maybe next time they're here! I'm hoping I get over this bad cold this week. I can't get over how awake Colby is now and how filled out she is!! And little miss Amelia -- your fun is really only beginning, Kori and Ben!! Although I hate that she's going through that "stranger danger" phase!
I wanted to mention too that the girls have figured out how to maneuver from one blog to another, so they spent quite a bit of time on the computer yesterday looking at all the pictures. I haven't showed them how to go to the older posts yet -- that will be the next step and I know they will love doing that!!!
I love the picture where Colby is lying on Kelly..she looks so worried! Good job with the pictures Kori! It amazes me so much to see the two together because I still picture Amelia being this itty bitty thing still and when she's next to Colby she's not so little!
Not too much longer!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Kori for the pictures! I agree with Kendall. We haven't seen Amelia for so long that it seems like she is so little still, until we see her next to Colby and realize that's she's grown. Speaking of growing...Colby has changed so much!! Her cheeks have filled out and she's so alert!! I can't wait!! One week and a day and a half before we leave!!!! YAY!!!!
Kendall and Kim,
If you two think of Amelia as itty-bitty and little --- boy, do you have a surprise awaiting you!!!!! You need to keep reminding yourselves that she will be six months old when you see her!! She is such a fun little girl to be around and has the prettiest smile! And really, it doesn't seem to take her too long to warm up to people (reminds me of Jacob)!
Amelia is growing SO fast! I can't believe that little chubby cheeked girl is the same one you first blogged about!
Love the videos, keep em coming.
Cant wait to see Amelia again. Would love to come out some time and get the whole family together. Didn't get enough time to visit at the weddding. Hope Colby gets to keep all that blonde hair.
Later gater-Diana
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