Again, here are some pictures from here and there.
Amelia rarely fights us when we put her to bed now! We can put her in her crib after her last bottle and she falls asleep within minutes! Naps are still difficult but we are working on it! She is also a lot better at entertaining herself although she would rather have you playing with her! Her favorite thing to do right now is watch the dog! She loves Leah and she gets the biggest kick out of her!
Thanks for stopping in!
Love - Kori, Ben & Amelia

How funny!! I love her expressions and she is the happiest baby!! Can't wait to see her again in a couple weeks!
I just can't get over how big she looks! You would never guess she was born early. Her expressions are hysterical - she seems like so much fun!!
She appears to enjoy being a little goofy! It looks like she doesn't mind having some ornery fun! I can't wait! Just a couple more weeks!
She's getting so darn big! I love her face with her pants on her head! that's one for her senior year yearbook to embarrass her!
Talk with you soon!
What a little character! I can't believe how much she has changed in such a little time! I can't wait to see her in a couple weeks!
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