Sorry it has been so long since I have posted! Here are some pictures from the past two weeks. As for an update, Amelia has moved on to green vegetable this week. She is not so sure about the peas but her appetite end up overruling her taste buds! She has also accomplished rolling over from back to stomach although she has only done it twice in the last week! I believe we may have a lazy baby! She goes to the doctor on Thursday so I will post her new stats! Hope you enjoy!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Steering the Horse!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Miss Colby Comes for a Visit!
This past Friday Colby and Aunt Kelly made the trek to Indiana for a visit! I was really excited to see how much Colby had changed in the last month and eager to see how Amelia reacted to her! It ended up being a fun night of shopping even though it is hard to plan things around two different feeding schedules! I am also proud to say that Colby slept for 6 straight hours at my house! Maybe she takes to my house like Jacob took to Kelly's? Here are some pictures.
Colby, I have to apologize for the first picture. It is not the best shot of you but it makes me laugh!
Love - Kori
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Teething Biscuit
Last night we decided to see how Amelia would do with a teething biscuit. While Ben and I ate supper Amelia tried out her new toy/snack!
She did pretty well. I think she would have done better if she had not been distracted by Ben's soda can! Afterward we gave her a bath and got a really good video of her splashing around! Unfortunately, whenever I try to upload it I get the message that blogger could not be contacted. I will try again tomorrow!
Kori, Ben & Amelia

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Naked Baby!
The other day we decided to take her for a walk! Even though it was 55 degrees out I was still worried she would be cold. The poor kid could not move her arms!
I love her eyes in this picture.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Funny Face!
Again, here are some pictures from here and there.
Amelia rarely fights us when we put her to bed now! We can put her in her crib after her last bottle and she falls asleep within minutes! Naps are still difficult but we are working on it! She is also a lot better at entertaining herself although she would rather have you playing with her! Her favorite thing to do right now is watch the dog! She loves Leah and she gets the biggest kick out of her!
Thanks for stopping in!
Love - Kori, Ben & Amelia

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Momma, I'm a Big Girl Now!

Yes, she has rolls!

Too tired to wake up while being burped!
Monday, February 2, 2009
I Love a Good Thrill!!
Just some pictures of Miss Amelia from this week. Grandma and Grandpa Cooper came for a visit but unfortunately the only picture I got of Amelia with them was of her hanging out on Grandma's leg! I also posted a video and promise that no babies were harmed during this filming!
Love - Kori, Ben & Amelia

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