Sorry I posted these so late but Ben had to work today. I know that does not sound like a good excuse but after a week with him at home I had to find my solo routine again!! Amelia got weighed today and the magic number was 7 lbs. and 4 oz. She no longer looks like a preemie! This makes me both happy and sad. I am so grateful that she is gaining weight but at the same time she is growing so fast. Tomorrow Amelia and I take off for our first official road trip without Daddy. We are heading to Manito for our annual fall shopping trip! I am very nervous but she is a great baby and does not mind being in the car seat so all should go well! I am sure that Aunt Karen will laugh at how much stuff I pack for her but at least I will be prepared! My excuse is that I have New Mommy syndrome!!
The pictures below are from last night when Amelia, Leah and I went for a walk. Ben was doing homework so we started off without him but as we made our way back home he was heading our way! She enjoys walks as long as they do not cut into her feeding time! Then she gets a little cranky! Thanks for checking in.
Love - Ben, Kori & Amelia

The poor child was probably sweating to death but she looked peaceful.

Leah was very excited to go for a walk considering her play time has been cut in half since Amelia got here. She does do very good around her and does not show any signs of jealousy.

This picture did not turn out very well. It was supposed to be of her battle wounds. She had a war with her fingernails and I think she loss. No matter how short I try to get them she still scratches her face up. I know there are mittens out there but I am not a fan. I don't know maybe I should be!