Ok I dont know what this going to look like it is my first attemp at making a blog but here it is
Thursday aug 28 - As of 1pm she is feeding well. The new rule is she has to take a minimun of 15cc's when I fed her at 1pm she took 25cc's, so thats great. Kori is going to try to breat feed at 4pm. She opened her eyes a little for me today that was cool!
I am soory this are old pics for some of you. My memory card does not fit the computer and we left the cord at home but stay tuned for updates. I will have the picture thing fixed tommorow, and will flood the blog with pics.
I will post again after the 4pm show to let you know how that went.
You did a great job with your first blog posting! I am so glad that I was the first one to notice. I am so proud of both you and Kori! I just love Amelia to pieces and her girl cousins love her too! I'm sure they'll be teaching her a few things as she grows up! We love you all and are praying for you everyday!
Auntie Karen
Ben is almost beating you and he's only had a blog for a few hours. I love your sense of humor on the blog, and I'm so glad you're going to give us updates! I have so many people ask how she's doing and now I can direct them to your blog!!! Yeah! We're so glad all three of you are doing well! Aunt Kelly
Yay!!! I am so excited that you started a blog for Amelia! I know that you've got a lot on your mind but maybe this will give you a chance to do some bragging! I actually saw this blog before Karen's comment was posted but couldn't remember my password. Go figure!! (Still can't remember it so I'm using Kelly's!!) I think there is a way that people can post without username or password, I'll have Kim tell you if you're interested. Love you all!
Grandma Cooper
Congratulations! All the pics are great. Amelia is beautiful and I can't wait to see and hold her. Ben and Kori - you are looking great too.
yay for amelia's new blog!! thanks for posting the info ben..it's nice to be able to go here now and see what's going on....give kori a hug for me (okay, only do that if she's wanting a hug..i don't want her to get mad at you :P) and i will see you guys in a few days!! LOVE YOU!!!
kendall :)
haha..and that's why everybody is under kelly's...gretchen and i couldn't figure it out at first and now we understand...nobody else knows their username and password...funny.. :)
kendall :)
I am so glad to see pictures of Kori and Amelia! Kori looks like she feels much better and not as tired as she looked when we left Tuesday. And I have to know, did you misspell Amelia's name or are you sticking to calling her "Amie" (he pronounces it "Uhme"). That is her father's idea of a nickname for her!! Crazy, isn't he? Sounds like progress is being made in the feeding department. Yay!!
Grandma Cooper
she can have the nickname amie!! I think I would be so proud!! Good job Ben with the Blog! oh how I want to give you all lots of hugs!!
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