4pm feeding went well. She tried the boobie thing...maybe next time. She latched on ok but did not get any milk so she kinda gave up after a while. Then took the bottle ok, but she was tired. I left Kori and Amie to go get a SD card before our "special" dinner (Filet & Shrimp scampi) that the hospital gave us.
7pm she took approx 30cc's 10 of witch was from the mommy fountain. She was awake for that one, but I did not have the camera...hey I'm new at this give me a break. So that is about it I will post the ten O'clock stuff in the morning. We are hoping she gets to lose the IV and tube tommorow.
I am so glad to see pictures of Kori and Amelia! Kori looks like she feels much better and not as tired as she looked when we left Tuesday. And I have to know, did you misspell Amelia's name or are you sticking to calling her "Amie" (he pronounces it "Uhme"). That is her father's idea of a nickname for her!! Crazy, isn't he? Sounds like progress is being made in the feeding department. Yay!!
Grandma Cooper
YAY!!! I love this blog! How exciting to watch another baby on a blog besides my own!!! Amelia, you are such a little trooper!!!! It sounds like feedings keep getting better and better! Kori looks great in these pictures - are you getting released today? Ben, thanks so much for the blog! I promise now we'll quit calling you ten times a day as long as you keep updating us on here!!
Amelia's so sweet and I can't wait to see her again...hopefully she'll be home when I come up next week!!!
Love ya!
Kim and Jacob (he loves his new cousin too, just doesn't know it yet since he's only seen pictures, points, and says BABYYYY!)
I forgot to mention how hard I laughed at the phrase, "mommy fountain"!
Kori, you look great! And, for some reason, I really love that last picture of her in the isolette! She looks so calm and peaceful! But, most of all, I enjoy Ben's cynical commentary. I am still cracking up over the "I think there's an IPOD in there somewhere" post!!
Love you guys and can't wait to see you Sunday!
Everyone is looking great and Ben, I love reading your posts - you are quite funny (like we didn't know that already)! Kori, you look fantastic! Much better than 2 days ago! We're all praying that Amelia will get to come home this weekend! Love you all and thanks for keeping up on the blog!
Kori, you are looking soo gooood, especially with that baby in your arms!! So happy to read that she is eating from the "mommy fountain"
much better and doing what comes
"natrally" after!!! I'm hoping you both will get home this weekend,
but I won't come up until you and she get settled in...it is really tiring for new parents and baby to have a lot of visitors! I know you
want to show her off to everyone,
but since I've been there, done that and paid the consequences many
times, I can wait. Being handed around isn't in her best interests
and will result in a CRABBY baby
after everyone goes home.Sorry to
lecture, but that's what grandmas
(great,that is) do.Love to the three of you and thanks again for the blog, Ben!!! Great-grandma B.
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