Finally a picture with some open eyes - I have to say she is a cutie!
Ben finally let me hold her for once!! Just kidding, we do try to take turns! These pictures are actually from Friday so I will post today's pictures next, I promise! As for the updates she is doing great! All the tubes are out and she can be taken to a private room now for feedings or visits! She is very portable they say so they have put an alarm system on her so no one tries to leave with her, besides us! Today she surprised us all by eating 55cc's for Daddy during her 10:00 a.m. feeding! Her previous record was 36 so we were shocked when she sucked down the whole bottle. She then ate 35cc's for her next feeding then 40cc's at her 5:00 feeding!!! She has decided to step up to the challenge so we are thrilled. The doctor decided that she no longer needed to be fed every 3 hours and can go 4 hours if she wants. She kinda makes up her own schedule now and no longer has a minimum amount she has to take. The doctor also says that she should be able to go home tomorrow or Monday so we are thrilled yet nervous about this news. She also said that is she does not have any more apnea episodes we shouldn't worry about her having them at home. So I am hoping that tomorrow we will get the good news that she is coming home! Ben and I want to thank everyone for their comments and phone calls! We love to tell everyone how she is doing and appreciate all the questions and concerns! If we do not comment back or answer the phone please just try back later!!!! Also, I just heard that there will not be a strike at Ben's work so he will be here to take Amelia home!!! I am so relieved that he will not be locked in the mill!!!! Thank goodness for that!! Well this is like an essay so I will go and post just pictures next!!
Thanks again!
yeah!!! That's such good news! I had just told Nick that I would maybe drive over tonight to be with you if Ben did have to go into the mill for lockdown! I'm so glad he'll get to be there for Amelia's big homecoming!
Love you!
Aunt Kelly
Kori, I surely hope you and Amelia
get to go home today or in the near future,like tomorrow!!I'm happy to read that her nursing is
steadily improving from one feeding to the next!What is her weight now?
Gotta go! Love, Grandma
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