While we were out in California, Ben's Aunt Deby gave Amelia a cute pair of sunglasses! I had completely forgot about them until today and when I found them we had to put them on her! It took us a few minutes to get them on but she ended keeping them on for a while.
My post title comes from the movie, Corrina, Corrina. There is one scene when the little girl still is not talking to Corrina, but they are driving down the road with their sunglasses singing a song.
The song goes, I've got my sunglasses, got to wear my sunglasses, to protect my eyes from the sun!
Thanks again, Kelly, for introducing that movie to me years ago!
I still have it and love it!
Now I will have to watch it tonight!!!
Anywho, I hope you all enjoy the pictures!
Love - Ben, Kori, and Amelia

So we had to put them on her too!

Amelia likes to stand up with you now. This was cute at first but now you can't walk anywhere! Who can resist that face though?
That is an accident waiting to happen!

These pictures are for Kim. I believe that Jacob had a little talk with Amelia, telling her how all the electronics work.

She is trying to put it back. I had a little talk with her yesterday when it started skipping. I told her it was her fault and this is what happens when we play with the DVD's.

These pictures are for Kim. I believe that Jacob had a little talk with Amelia, telling her how all the electronics work.

She is trying to put it back. I had a little talk with her yesterday when it started skipping. I told her it was her fault and this is what happens when we play with the DVD's.
I don't think she quite understood!
those are too darn cute! I love them with her little hat! Sherry got Colby a pair of sunglasses, and I keep them in the car...you know, just in case it gets too bright for her! She'll keep them on for about ten seconds and smile at me, but then has to get them off of her!
Love the sunglasses and how cute that the "earpieces" are material and velcro in the back!!! (Reminds me of when you were an infant and had to wear that thing to protect your eyes when you were jaundiced and had to be under the lights!!) BUT, I still find the beads hanging from her mouth hilarious! Can't help but laugh when I see that!! She really looks to be in that stage of "getting-into-everything" -- the DVD player, the dishwasher, etc.!!! Have fun with that!
What a little stinker! She's got ornery written all over her face! Come to think of it, Jacob did mention that he had showed Amelia a thing or two about his favorite electronics! HA! She's so cute, I don't know how you discipline her!! Love, love, love the sunglasses and bracelet! She's such a stylin' baby!
Thanks for the pictures!
I say my grandaughter is stylin no matter what she wears and that is because I'm prejudice. All her cousins are special too.I love the way the girls all play together and with Amelia. Jacob is just a bust up. I love his antics, typical 2 yr old. Colbys personality is really starting to show. Does she still have all the hair she was born with? ANyway I wish I could be there to enjoy them all.
PS-Its time for more pics. I know I told Benjamin that they are supposed to post everyday!!
Later gater-Grandma Rundle
Tell Amelia I have trouble with the DVDs skipping after I handle them too. Like the sunglasses. Grandpa Rankin
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