While we were out in California, Ben's Aunt Deby gave Amelia a cute pair of sunglasses! I had completely forgot about them until today and when I found them we had to put them on her! It took us a few minutes to get them on but she ended keeping them on for a while.
My post title comes from the movie, Corrina, Corrina. There is one scene when the little girl still is not talking to Corrina, but they are driving down the road with their sunglasses singing a song.
The song goes, I've got my sunglasses, got to wear my sunglasses, to protect my eyes from the sun!
Thanks again, Kelly, for introducing that movie to me years ago!
I still have it and love it!
Now I will have to watch it tonight!!!
Anywho, I hope you all enjoy the pictures!
Love - Ben, Kori, and Amelia

So we had to put them on her too!

Amelia likes to stand up with you now. This was cute at first but now you can't walk anywhere! Who can resist that face though?
That is an accident waiting to happen!

These pictures are for Kim. I believe that Jacob had a little talk with Amelia, telling her how all the electronics work.

She is trying to put it back. I had a little talk with her yesterday when it started skipping. I told her it was her fault and this is what happens when we play with the DVD's.

These pictures are for Kim. I believe that Jacob had a little talk with Amelia, telling her how all the electronics work.

She is trying to put it back. I had a little talk with her yesterday when it started skipping. I told her it was her fault and this is what happens when we play with the DVD's.
I don't think she quite understood!