I am posting this morning before the rain and clouds prevent the Internet from working later.
Here are some pictures from yesterday. Most of them are from tummy time. We try to have at least 15 minutes of tummy time in the morning . It does not seem like a lot but she is not really interested in any toys yet so she loses focus quite fast. I think she is doing really well though and we can tell from day to day that she is getting better at it.
Love - Kori, Ben & Amelia
Okay Mom, I am really nervous about this whole sitting up thing.

Tummy Time!

I told you my head was too heavy still. I am going to crash.

Alright, I can handle this. If I hold my head up and stick my tongue out at the same time they will think I have awesome coordination and leave me alone.

Oh man, that did not work so well. I am going to have to keep doing this.

Success again!!!

A little break, maybe they will think I am still holding my head up even though my arm is really doing the job.
So, the girl I share on office with, Jennifer, says that in the first picture Amelia is sitting like me. And, by that, she means leaning back with a big belly and her arms resting on her big belly!!!
I think she looks like she's doing well with tummy time!
OMG!! Her arms look so fat in that first picture!! She has grown soooo much! How much does she weigh now? And i'm still thinking she looks like ben. Also, i love the picture of tummy time with the tongue sticking out, of course your commentary goes so well with each one, it makes the blog so much fun.
Can't wait to see all of you!
Aunt Gail
What a chunky monkey!!! She better not be as big as she looks in these pictures!! And I can't believe she's holding her head up so well. Where did our newborn go? (Can't wait to see you now, Kelly, to compare Amelia's and your bellies!!) Can't wait for next weekend to get here!
Unfortunately, Mom, I think I have Amelia beat in the belly category right now!!!
What a stinker! She's so big! She gives you nice little smiles, Kori! So sweet! Pretty soon she'll be cooing all the time and kicking her legs and arms with excitement; probably when she gets up here! That's when she'll be truly excited!
Love the shirt!!! Someone really nice and cool must have given that to her!
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