Hello everyone! I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving! I know that we had a very good ThanksChristmas this year! Even though it was very hard for all of us to get together for our first major holiday celebration without Mom we pulled through! I now she was looking down on us the entire time, probably laughing at us and how silly we are! She was missed greatly but I think we all know that she was there with us, someway or another, to share this day!
As always, I did not take as many pictures as I should have! I always forget to reach for that camera, so hopefully others snapped some shots and will post them.
I just want to thank everyone for their help, individually, please don't sigh!
Kim and Jacob - Thanks for coming down extra early and helping me get all ready and finish up Christmas shopping and putting up with my hairy eyebrows!!
Kendall - Thanks for braving the snow and also helping me get ready before everyone else showed up. Also for staying an extra night and traveling the hour to Five Guys Burger with us to make Ben happy! Only a true sister would do that!
Kelly and Karen - Thank you for cleaning up the kitchen Wednesday night after everyone had eaten! It meant a lot that I did not have to do it and could continue sipping my wine!
Nick - Thanks for doing dishes, burning garbage, packaging left overs,helping with the turkey, refilling wine, helping with the Christmas tree, and constantly asking what I needed help with!
Scott and Chris - Thanks for helping with the frying of the turkey and finding all the missing pieces to the fryer! Plus with hauling garbage also!
Dad and Raylene - Thanks for getting here early despite our not being ready to start! Thanks for helping with the cleaning up and packaging of left overs after dinner Thursday and being helpful in the kitchen during meal preparations and doing dishes!
Mark - Thanks for bringing the extra food: shrimp, ham, peanuts, and stuffing! Also for stepping up to the challenge of doing all the shopping this year by yourself! You done good!
Emma, Anna, Ella, Jacob, Colby, and Amelia - thanks for decorating the Christmas tree! You all were a big help and it looks beautiful!
Okay now that I am done with that, enjoy the pictures!
Seriously, these presents are mine?
Dad claimed his spot on the couch by Jacob!
I guess this Elmo gift bag has been around for awhile, Karen wanted it back to she could reuse it next year!
Doesn't he look so happy to be here?!?! Actually Nick was my pseudo husband for the holiday because Ben had to work! He was awesome and he did a ton more than my husband would have done!! Sorry Ben, but he went above and beyond brother-in-law duties!
Not a bad gig though!
Thanks Nick!
Anna, trying to figure out the digital camera she scored from Grandpa Cooper, Aunt Kelly, and Uncle Nick! I did not find my new digital camera though, I will have to talk to my not so secret sister about that! HEHE!

Colby and Amelia got Knapford Stations from Aunt Kendall and they LOVED them! Amelia had to unwrap hers after Colby cause she wanted it so badly!
Colby and Amelia got Knapford Stations from Aunt Kendall and they LOVED them! Amelia had to unwrap hers after Colby cause she wanted it so badly!
He was so busy checking out his presents and everyone elses that I never got a face shot of him!
WooHoo!!! Yea for ThanksChristmas pictures - we love seeing how much fun you guys had. My great nieces and nephew are growing up wayyyy to fast. You were all on my mind those days. After seeing these pics I can't wait to open presents:) Aunt Stacy
Anything for you Corkie Moe, I had really good time and was just trying to ease the stress of the day. Nick
I was wondering what happened to the thank yous to your husband-now I understand! Christmas and kids just seem to go together. I know Ruth had her good eye on you all on this special day! God bless you all.
It was so much fun! I've got to get my pictures posted soon! Great post, Kori!
Looks like you all had a great time!! It's so cool that you have such a unique family tradition each year and that you all make it such a big event - complete with misspelled t-shirts and all (hehe!). Having all the kiddos who get so excited for Christmas makes it all the more fun I'm sure. Thanks for posting!! :)
Kori, thanks for hosting this years ThanksChristmas. We had a great time with all of you, even thought Ben was not there we did miss him. It is always great to see the extra effort that goes out for that day to make it special for all the kids at heart ( Kendall). I have been checking the blog daily for pics, so glad you got them posted. Yes, Ruth was wathcing that day for sure, and she has a great family to be very proud of. Love you all Raylene
I also noticed that this blog post officially marks the 1-year anniversary of the last post that was on the "Rankin Girls" blog site :) Maybe not to the exact day, but at least of the subject! Take a stroll down memory lane... :)
Thanks for the pictures Kori! I know you all think my favorite part of ThanksChristmas is getting to open up my own presents, which it is in the top five, BUT I honestly LOVE LOVE LOVE watching the kids open up their presents!!! That picture of Emma is CLASSIC!! I love it and I about teared up because they are all growing up so fast and becoming such good kids! (I'm a little iffy about that red headed boy though..JUST KIDDING!! YOU know I love him!)
Connie- you made me smile with the "her good on you" :) Thanks for that!
Love you all!
Oh and Brittany- yes I know, it's been a year since I've posted! I've tried three times now that I've gotten a new camera and have not had luck posting anything! I will keep trying and get back on board now that I am done with school and my sister Karen won't let me have the treadmill she doesn't use. ;)
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