Hello! Just thought I would post some pictures from the last few days. Amelia has been very busy being goofy! It seems that in the last few weeks she has started doing goofy things like throwing herself on the floor and kicking her legs up in the air. Of course she is laughing the whole time. She had another tooth come in on the bottom and now hates to have her teeth brushed. We have to hold her down to get them brushed. Afterward she is happy so I really don't know what her deal is!
A new favorite of hers is jumping off her stool, which usually results in her falling on her face but she takes it like a pro!
I also have to say that I am very proud of her for eating brussel sprouts the other night. I get really excited when we add another healthy food to her list of things she will eat! Maybe I am dorky, but it makes me feel that I have accomplished something!
Well, that is it for now. I hope you enjoy the pics!
Love - Us
LOVE the picture of her eating spaghetti and laughing!! And I can't believe that she likes brussel sprouts. (She does get something from me!!!) Of course, next time she might not eat them, you just never know!!! (Can't say I like the "Pebbles" hairdo - I don't think I ever put you girls' hair up like that!!!) Can't wait to see you guys, it seems like Amelia is changing all the time!!
Also, thanks Diana for the card -- I loved it!!!!
Spaghetti night also looks like Hose Amelia Off night, too! And boy does she get some good use out of that little stool - one day it's a seat and the next it's a car! She is growing up so fast!
Apparently you need to just invest in more stools for this girl! She seems to get good use out of hers!!
I'll say it again, she's changed so much! I can't wait to hear her laughing and being silly!
Oh yeah, and kudos to you for getting her to eat brussel sprouts!! Jacob, a few nights ago, just remembered that he likes peas after a year and a half of refusing to eat them!
Thanks for posting during your busy schedule!
Love ya,
I like the way you always take her clothes off to eat. Do you have to give her three baths a day? Not counting the times that her and the dog get in the pantry. Kori congrats on your test.
Ruth- Your welcome! Im just glad you like funny cards. Maybe we'll see you when we come out.-Diana
Kori,since I am totally unable to bring up any of the videos I called
the phone company: it was suggested that I have my grandchildren send them to my e-mail address rather than the blog and see if that works for me.
Love, grandma
haha..she is such a silly girl! Her eyes just have mischief written in them and that she knows how to try and get away with it!
Love you!
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