Hello, everybody! Just thought I would post some pictures of Amelia coloring. Aunt Kim bought her these crayons way back in August and she has finally figured out that they are not for eating or playing with. Ben and I have been writing a lot of note cards and she loves to grab our pens and a note card and try to color! So, last night it dawned on my to get these out again and she finally got it!
She had been very crabby and although she is not smiling, she was really enjoying herself.
She did not like it when Daddy tried to help her out and color with her!
Amelia has also started being pro-active at bedtime. When it gets to be that time or we start to tell that she is sleepy, we ask her if she is ready to go night, night. She then, usually, will grab her blanket and stand at the baby gate in front of the stairs. If we don't come get her to take her down she gets slightly annoyed! It is so nice that she knows when she is tired and does not throw a fit. Of course, I know that this will change but for now it is rather nice.
She also has become interested in putting the puzzle pieces in the right place on the puzzles.
This happened just yesterday, and we did all of her puzzles. She still has trouble because she seems to want to turn the piece right before she puts it in but we are getting there.
Thanks for visiting!
Love - us