So, the other day I thought we would give potty training a try. I don't know why I thought that we should attempt to do it considering my daughter does not understand what I am talking about. She has no idea what potty is and has no desire to try and take her own pants off. Nor does it bother her to have a full and dirty diaper. But, none the less, I thought we would try and she would just go in it.
I put some training underwear on her, with the plastic panties over them(thank you Karen). I then showed her them M&M's and showed her that if you sat on potty you would get one. So she sat there, very nicely and ate some.
I put her on there every 20 minutes and 4 hours later she had not peed.
After 2 drinks she should have had to go.
As soon as I put her diaper on, she went.
So now thoughts of urinary tract infections are filling my head so I am going to wait until she can somewhat talk/understand me.
So for now she will just use the potty as she wants......
as a hat.
I mean, no wonder she didn't want to potty in it.
Who wants to potty in their hat?!?!?!

Does it look less mullety with a pony on top?

Yes, she did this herself.
She loves getting shoes out.