Just a few pictures from Amelia's birthday! She is sick(thank you Auntie Kendall, ha ha) and has 2 teeth breaking through. So you can imagine that she was not thrilled with the news that it was her birthday! There was no cake because Ben and I literally had 30 minutes together that day so we decided to make the celebrations short and sweet!
Hope you enjoy!
Love - Us

Later she unwrapped 2 more presents and was somewhat happy!

Carrying it around!

Bending over to see what is going to pop up!
She was laughing and playing!

Again, with the favorite toy!
This picture makes me sad, doesn't she look so long legged and grown up?
She reminds me of the Charlie Brown character, Linus ,with her blanket!
This is not a great video but it shows her walking around and her battle wound from the day. I finally put the old FRED PROOF gate in front of the stairs so she could meander around without boundaries. She ended up hitting her face on the corner of the trim! She loves the freedom and now I have to really baby proof the rest of the house!

Again, with the favorite toy!

This is not a great video but it shows her walking around and her battle wound from the day. I finally put the old FRED PROOF gate in front of the stairs so she could meander around without boundaries. She ended up hitting her face on the corner of the trim! She loves the freedom and now I have to really baby proof the rest of the house!